At Magic Mouse Studio, a division of Daisa Designs, we are dedicated to crafting enchanting stories that spark the imagination and inspire young minds. Our studio brings to life the magical adventures of beloved characters like Dottie, and her wise talking teddy bear Dodl. Our mission is to create high-quality, engaging content that resonates with children and families around the world.
Our Vision
Magic Mouse Studio believes in the transformative power of storytelling. Our aim is to inspire and educate through narratives that blend magic, adventure, and valuable life lessons. Each project we undertake is designed to nurture creativity and imagination, fostering a love for reading and learning in children.
Innovative Storytelling
We pride ourselves on being at the forefront of innovative storytelling. We offer an immersive experience that goes beyond traditional books. This interactive approach not only entertains but also engages children in a multi-sensory learning journey.
Key Projects
Our flagship series, Dodl & Dottie, exemplifies our commitment to excellence. Each story is crafted to teach valuable lessons about courage, friendship, and responsibility, making it a favourite among young readers and parents alike.
Join Us on This Magical Journey
Magic Mouse Studio is continuously seeking new partnerships and collaborations to expand the reach of our magical stories. Whether you are a broadcaster, streaming platform, or licensing partner, we invite you to join us in bringing the magic of our tales to children around the world.
For more information about our projects and partnership opportunities, visit Daisa Designs and stay tuned for updates on our latest ventures.